An Honest Confession From Jeanne…

I’ve never been the kind of woman attracted to “fluffy” women’s initiatives.  Now don’t get me wrong.  I’M ALL WOMAN…complete with my love for shopping and my struggles to keep weight off!  But I’ve never been deeply wooed to “female holy huddles” where women commiserate at great length about their personal woes and about not being deeply respected enough as females.  That’s just NOT ME.
The virtual zoom mastermind group is for WOMEN WHO TRULY WANT TO BE ALL THEY CAN BE… Women who want to be CHALLENGED AND STRETCHED to go to new levels, both in their impact for the Kingdom and in their own leadership ability (whether involving their family, their job, or their ministry). And as an added bonus, this is also for women who want to establish genuine friendships with other gals with whom they can easily relate.
PREVAIL WOMENAn Interactive Zoom Mastermind For Women Wanting Intentional And Unforgettable Growth!

What am I signing up for?

the WHAT?

We meet once monthly for two hours via our PRIVATE PREVAIL ZOOM GROUP.  I discuss an important topic each month that enhances your growth—both in character and in leadership (whether leadership in your home, at a business, or in some form of ministry).

Then I  take individual questions from all women enrolled in the Mastermind who have questions on that month’s topic.

the VALUE?

Our Zoom Mastermind Group meets for 12 full months, 2 hours each month...WHICH TRANSLATES TO 24 HOURS OF INVALUABLE, PERSONAL COACHING FROM JEANNE’S MORE THAN 50 YEARS IN SUCCESSFUL LEADERSHIP, FAMILY ARENAS, AND PERSONAL GROWTH. Each monthly zoom is live… and held in the evening hours to allow everyone to join us.

the DAY?

The day of the week which is chosen for the monthly zoom coaching depends upon the selection of the PREVAIL WOMEN Mastermind participants.  The most often mentioned evenings thus far are either a THURSDAY evening or a TUESDAY evening… One time each month... For two enriching, rewarding hours together.  


Besides the 24 hours of live coaching each year, Jeanne also provides the PREVAIL participants with a PRIVATE EMAIL TO HERSELF  in order to answer what she calls the “Big High’s and the Big Low’s” from their individual lives.. NO ONE will see these emails but Jeanne; so you can be assured of COMPLETE PRIVACY.


There is also a 12-hour-VIRTUAL PREVAIL WOMEN’S ADVANCE  which allows everyone to participate without having to leave their homes.  This will be held on a Saturday, which participants will select together.


Out of the total Mastermind Group, we create smaller “ALLIANCE GROUPS” of approximately 7 women each who are at similar stages of life so they can easily relate to each other and become genuine friends.


So many women want the chance to be PHYSICALLY TOGETHER after they have gotten to know each other all year on zoom. That’s why we also host an optional LIVE PREVAIL BREAK-AWAY in Jeanne’s personal home outside of Atlanta.  Cost for this is an additional $125 per lady above tuition if you choose to participate.  This is obviously all at your own discretion. We understand if your schedule or finances do not permit you to join us. That’s why Jeanne is also hosting the earlier Saturday 12-hour- zoom breakaway for EVERYONE at no additional cost.


At the conclusion of each monthly MASTERMIND session, Jeanne will also send all participants, free of charge, 2 or more of her own audio resources that relate to that month’s topic.  Participants may download and listen to them at their leisure if they desire further growth and input on the topic being discussed.


the COST?

$500  covers your total online Prevail Experience

($60.00 deposit and $40.00 a month for the remaining 11 months).  
$60 enrollment deposit locks your spot in before we close.  
(This $60 goes towards your total tuition.)

So join us at this unbelievably reasonable tuition for all Jeanne will be giving you: 24 live coaching hours, personal email correspondence with Jeanne for the big high’s and the big low’s, a 12-hour virtual advance planned just for the PREVAIL women, free related resources sent to you each month, invaluable friendship with about  7 other women at a similar stage of life as you…AND  an optional LIVE BREAK-AWAY at Jeanne’s home--outside of Atlanta--toward the end of our year together for those who want to attend.


Click the button below to pay your deposit and secure your spot!
(Select the payment option, "Prevail Women Application Fee" or, if you are paying for the entire year, "Prevail Women Total Fee"
Remember: Your spot is not guaranteed until we receive, at minimum, your enrollment deposit of $60 which goes towards your over-all year of tuition.