48 Hours Tailor-Made To The High-Priority Results You Want To Achieve
During Jeanne’s personal one-hour “CREATION CONSULTATION” with the key leader before your INTENSIVE, you will privately share the key goals you want to come from our time together. Allow us to suggest a few possibilities…Though you may go in a totally different direction. (We want to help get your thoughts moving.) Jeanne just wants to give her 56 years of successful leadership experience to you and your team in the most authentic, practical, and heartfelt way possible.
Ranging from leadership enhancement in specific arenas, such as…
- Spiritual refreshment and renewal…
- Clarifying next steps and priorities in specific ministry efforts…
- Intentional refining of your own personal legacy and impact…
- Processing and healing from life challenges and traumas…
- Marriage & family enrichment…
- Team unity and sensitive conflict resolution…
- Vision-casting and creating your own next life-chapter…
TO WHATEVER YOU HIGHLIGHT during your phone “creation consultation” with Jeanne before this experience.
+Unforgettable surprise experiences of personal and spiritual enrichment hand-crafted in Jeanne’s own personal style to be mile-markers in your own life.

#1: Team Building and Directional Unity
#2: Marriage and Family Health While Doing Career / Ministry
#3: Personal Self-Care As Leaders and Personal Spiritual Rejuvenation Amidst the Drain of Career / Ministry / Life
#4: Enhancing Creativity Through Unforgettable Story-Telling, Crafting an Interactive Experience, Personal Life-Vignettes, and Much More
#5: Volunteer Recruitment, Motivation, and Retention
#6: Help! I’m a Pastor’s Wife (Or A Female Working Woman). How Do I Balance Everything?
#7: Taking Your Team’s Leadership to the Next Level
#8: Effective Pastoral Leadership
(either senior, executive leadership and / or associate leadership… Jeanne has served several years at all these levels)
#9: Church / Non-Profit Fund-Raising and Capital Campaigns
(Jeanne has raised several million dollars in the course of her ministry for churches / schools where she has been in leadership and has chaired many of those capital fundraising campaigns)
#10: Principles for Handling Criticism, Conflict, and Difficult Organizational Seasons
#11: Discipleship: Making it an Exciting Reality, Not Just a Philosophical Concept
#12: Small Group Ministry that Really Works
#13: Youth Ministry that Impacts Long After High School
#14: Family Ministry in a Schizophrenic Society
#15: Effective Leadership / Ministry as a Female in the Middle of a “Boys’ Club World”
#16: Christian Education (church-focus)
#17: Christian Education (Kindergarten thru 12th grade accredited Christian school focus)
#18: Post High School, College and Young Adult Leadership and Programming
#19: Single Adults
#20: Women’s Ministry
#21-#30: You name it! Jeanne’s 5 decades of highly successful leadership makes her INVALUABLE in about any scope of leadership you would request her to focus on. Her depth of experience is both invaluable and almost extinct.
What do I (we) walk away with?
#1: Personalized LEADERSHIP TEAM COACHING INTENSIVE for two full days…
With the team, time, topic, and location of your choosing An unprecedented opportunity for growth!
#2: Jeanne combines TEAM coaching as well as INDIVIDUAL coaching if you desire.
Hosting both GROUP SESSIONS as well as INDIVIDUAL ONES with yourself and/or specific participants as a portion of the 48 hours together.
Those met with personally during these 48 hours will be determined by the Cohort Host/Hostess. Leaders often desire specific input into specific team members for a designated percentage of the time together.
#1: Personalized LEADERSHIP TEAM COACHING INTENSIVE for two full days…
With the team, time, topic, and location of your choosing An unprecedented opportunity for growth!
#2: Jeanne combines TEAM coaching as well as INDIVIDUAL coaching if you desire.
Hosting both GROUP SESSIONS as well as INDIVIDUAL ONES with yourself and/or specific participants as a portion of the 48 hours together.
Those met with personally during these 48 hours will be determined by the Cohort Host/Hostess. Leaders often desire specific input into specific team members for a designated percentage of the time together.
Commitment From Jeanne
During your 48 hours together, you will create a tangible list of 1 – 5 W.I.N. goals that can be accomplished within the next 6-12 months (“W.I.N.” = “What’s Important Now”).
For the following 3 months, Jeanne will host a Zoom meeting (each up to one hour in length) with either the primary team leader, a project core-team, or the entire team… for the purpose of follow-through on “W.I.N.” goals.
The sponsoring leader / group chooses who participates in these monthly Zoom times. (This follow-up-group remains largely constant, not rotational.)
For the following 3 months, Jeanne will host a Zoom meeting (each up to one hour in length) with either the primary team leader, a project core-team, or the entire team… for the purpose of follow-through on “W.I.N.” goals.
The sponsoring leader / group chooses who participates in these monthly Zoom times. (This follow-up-group remains largely constant, not rotational.)